Four local literary institutions, Seattle7Writers, The Bushwick Book Club Seattle, Hugo House, Crosscut media and Town Hall Seattle are partnering to present “3 for 3: Music Inspired by Books; Books Inspired by Water” on Saturday, January 21, 2017, 8pm at Town Hall Seattle.
Bushwick Book Club’s songwriters and musicians will perform original music inspired by the water-themed work of three Seattle7Writers: Daniel James Brown (The Boys in the Boat), Jennie Shortridge (Love Water Memory), and Jim Lynch (Before the Wind).
The shindig is a benefit for STYLE: Songwriting Through Youth Literature Education, Bushwick Book Club’s education arm. STYLE’s mission is to ignite students’ passion for literature through collaborative songwriting education. Teaching artists deliver in-school residencies and assemblies, which involve students in the creation of an original song inspired by a popular book.
Bushwick Book Club’s executive director Geoff Larson adds, “STYLE engages students in a powerful learning experience that changes the way they read forever.”
Performers include Wes Weddell, Ben Mish, Julia Massey, Joy Mills, Kimo Muraki, Emily Westman, Annie Jantzer, Amanda Winterhalter, and Reggie Garrett.
Doors for the show open at 7pm, with music beginning at 8pm. Featured authors, Daniel James Brown, Jennie Shortridge, and Jim Lynch, along with emcee Garth Stein, will be on hand after the program to meet and mingle with attendees and sign books, which will be available to purchase from Elliott Bay Book Company. Tickets are $10 advance; $5 for members. More information at townhallseattle.org.
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