Word Play: An Evening of Music About Books About Sex, Drugs, and
Rock ’n’ Roll
SEATTLE – Seattle7Writers and The Bushwick Book Club Seattle join forces once again to bring you Word Play, an evening of music and books, on Saturday, March 3, at 7:30 p.m.
at Elliott Bay Book Company (1521 10th Ave, Seattle, 98122).
This year’s theme is Sex, Drugs, and Rock ’n’ Roll, so The Bushwick Book Club Seattle’s songwriters and musicians will perform original music inspired by the books of three Pacific Northwest writers: Love and Trouble, by Claire Dederer; Weed: A User’s Guide by David Schmader; and Welcome Thieves by Sean Beaudoin. All three authors will be on hand to hear the musical response to their work and sign books after the show. Local author Garth Stein emcees the event.
This annual books and music party serves as a fundraiser for the nonprofit educational arm of Bushwick Northwest, STYLE: Songwriting Through Youth Literature Education. At STYLE, teaching artists deliver in-school residencies and assemblies that involve students in the creation of an original song inspired by a popular book. “It’s an amazing access point both for students who excel and those who struggle in the Language Arts classroom,” says Geoff Larson, executive director of Bushwick Northwest.
Love and Trouble is bestselling author Claire Dederer’s memoir about her experience as a middle-aged mom who found herself in the middle of an erotic reawakening, as well as the story of her teen years (the last time she had experienced such feelings).
Weed: A User’s Guide is local author, columnist, and performance artist David Schmader’s definitive guide to the new world of decriminalized recreational marijuana. It includes history, safety tips, recipes, and more.
Welcome Thieves is accomplished young-adult novelist Sean Beaudoin’s debut story collection, a series of dark, funny, absurd tales about everything from hardcore bands to surviving the apocalypse.
Doors open at 7:00 p.m., and tickets are $10 in advance and $15 day of show. Performers include: Del Rey, Leslie Braly, Julia Massey, Joy Mills, Vince Martinez, Lizzie Weber, Nick Droz, Melissa Montalto, Chris Poage.
Seattle7Writers is a nonprofit writers’ collective that promotes literacy efforts in our community through programming, teaching, speaking, grants, and donations. www.seattle7writers.org
The Bushwick Book Club Seattle delivers literature, music, and songwriting to the Seattle community while building the next generation of musicians and readers. www.
STYLE: Songwriting Through Youth Literature Education ignites students’ passion for literature through collaborative songwriting education. www.learningwithstyle.com
Performer links:
Del Rey www.delreyplays.com
Leslie Braly www.pineolaband.com
Julia Massey http://juliamasseymusic.com
Joy Mills www.joymills.com
Vince Martinez http://vincemtz.com
Lizzie Weber www.lizzieweber.com
Nick Droz http://nickdroz.com
Melissa Montalto www.youtube.com/watch?v=
Chris Poage http://mtstunnels.bandcamp.

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