I asked my awesome Mom, Sue Garvin, to write a little update on how things are going with her Little Free Library since she last wrote. You can read the initial post about it here.
During the crisp fall weather, the park was busy with kids. For Halloween this year, I made 80 tootsie roll pop ghosts with a little free library ad attached. It was a good way to get the word around in the neighborhood. Then, I loaded the library with lots of kids books. One day, after the Girl Scouts delivered their fundraiser candy, they stopped at the library and picked out some selections.
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5 Fantastic Cookbooks You Should Know About
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kerry GarvinThe Best New Recipe by Cooks Illustrated Magazine
This text-heavy giant is a workhorse in the kitchen. If it was a player on your favorite NFL team, it would be the veteran center. A quiet and stable leader on the field, it knows its job and works hard to protect you, the kitchen quarterback. This book doesn’t include stories for each recipe and is instead laden with the steps the masters in the Cooks Illustrated test kitchen took to insure that these recipes really are the best. I’ve had people tell me that my chocolate chip cookies are “effing delicious.” Here is my secret: follow the recipe in this book exactly as printed.
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Bushwick Picks: What We’re Reading Now
/0 Comments/in Bushwick Picks /by Cassie CrossAs readers, we cheat on books; the monogamous reader is a rare thing. Most of us have a stack on our nightstand or a queue in our e-reader, and we bounce back and forth. Some books are longer reads, taking months or even years. Other books are one night stands, captivating in the dim hours of night and leading to bitter regret as we wake to a cold, unforgiving alarm clock (and work day) in the morning. So the question is, what are you reading now?
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Bushwick Song of the Week: Monster by Don Hopwood | inspired by Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
/1 Comment/in Song of the Week /by Don HopwoodMary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” is one of my favorite books of all time. Getting the opportunity to write and perform a song inspired by this book was a lot of fun. I wrote it from the perspective of my favorite character, the monster. A creature created hideous and grotesque on the outside, yet kind and innocent on the inside. The story of how the wretch truly became a monster is a heartbreaking tale. Only through the torturous events and cruel treatment from the “beautiful” people in the world did the aberration become vile and murderous. Rather than focusing on the crimes that the monster committed, my song’s inspiration comes from the crimes it suffered.
Check out the video below. Enjoy!
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Poster Inspired by Molly Wizenberg’s A Homemade Life – design by Michael Wallenfels
/0 Comments/in Posters /by Mike VotavaThe poster for our upcoming event – orignal music inspired by Molly Wizenberg’s A Homemade Life – Design by Michael Wallenfels.
Make Delicious Banana Bread Tonight
/3 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kerry GarvinA Homemade Life is not your typical cookbook. You won’t find recipes with numbered steps or tons of full color photographs. Instead you’ll find short stories from Wizenberg’s life followed by a recipe relating to that story. These recipes are the heart of the book and are used to connect the readers to the stories. Prose-filled cookbooks are my jam so I’ve been enjoying it immensely. To get the full book experience, I felt I had to try out at least one recipe for myself.
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4 Molly Wizenberg Projects (Other Than Her Books) Everyone Should Know
/2 Comments/in Book Tips, Seattle /by Kerry Garvin1. Orangette
This is Wizenberg’s blog that started it all. She launched it in 2004 and from there it grew into the book we’re featuring at the April 26th show. On her site, much like the book, you will find recipes and stories from her life.
Check It Out: orangette.blogspot.com
2. Delancey
The Ballard restaurant she opened with her husband offers a variety of New Jersey style wood-fired pizza. They now also own Essex the bar next door. Her next book which is named after the restaurant and details its opening and how it affected her life and her marriage.
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Bushwick Song Of The Week: Outsider by Mike Votava | inspired by S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders
/2 Comments/in Song of the Week /by Mike VotavaRead more
Sue’s Little Free Library Update
/4 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Kerry GarvinI asked my awesome Mom, Sue Garvin, to write a little update on how things are going with her Little Free Library since she last wrote. You can read the initial post about it here.
During the crisp fall weather, the park was busy with kids. For Halloween this year, I made 80 tootsie roll pop ghosts with a little free library ad attached. It was a good way to get the word around in the neighborhood. Then, I loaded the library with lots of kids books. One day, after the Girl Scouts delivered their fundraiser candy, they stopped at the library and picked out some selections.
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The Poster For Our Next Event: Original Music Inspired By To Kill A Mockingbird
/0 Comments/in art work, Posters /by Mike VotavaThe next Bushwick event is coming up on March 5th at the Royal Room – original music inspired by Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird. Check out the poster below, designed by myself.
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The Trick to Finding a Good Book
/0 Comments/in Book Tips /by Cassie CrossThis morning I was looking for a new book to read and it occurred to me that I haven’t set foot in a bookstore recently. Every book I’ve read this year has come through a series of clicks on my iPad, and I’m usually led to that book from an online recommendation. With the incredible boom of online shopping, online recommendations are everywhere. It’s never been easier to get an opinion on a product. But just like that friend who recommended seeing National Treasure: Book of Secrets in the theater, not all opinions are good. Finding an online tastemaker is important.
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